
Vigna is where you as Business can find the best Professionals for best price on financial market.
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How It Works
Vigna's AI Engine will match Professionals to your Project requirements
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Pay Professionals on a weekly basis
Just publish your idea, project or request spread it to the thousands of Vigna network Professionals then find the best worker in short term, get ultimately control and analytics over the work what is doing for you.
About Vigna
We created Vigna to help companies and firms solve complex accounting and finance issues at a fraction of the cost, with vetted, top-tier accountant and financial consulttest that are motivated by new challenges.
Choose professionals
When it comes to your financial end of year, the pressure of completing your self-assessment form can be quite intense - by using an accountant you can relax knowing that you're passing these responsibilities into the hands of professionals.
We solve customer business problems
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There's no task we can't solve. We have something to be proud of and to show.
We solve the problems of our clients, so we take an individual approach to each project.